Free Web Hosting with Website Builder

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free Banner Ads

Sometimes, our website is not suitable without banner ads on it. Now we can put any banner ads on our website. It is free, we can make and design banner, even for beginner user, it will feel easy. Below the instructions for Put Banner Ads for our website :
1. Register at
2. After that Login using username and password given by
3. Click

4. There are currently 91 banner ad styles available.
Please select the one would you like to use by marking its box and pressing MAKE SELECTION
5. Click

6. Fill some field to complete the design banner whatever you want such as title banner appearing
7. Click

8. Oke, your Banner Ads will show you as a result, and you can

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Add Google Talk

Do you know about Google Talk? I'm sure that you are surely knew what is the Google Talk. By Google Talk you can send instant messages, make voice calls, leave voice mail messages, transfer files and etc, however of course must with other Google user. Now you can add Google Talk to your blog? Haven't you yet known about its way? Here are the instruction of its, please follow the steps following :
1. Login to blogger with your ID.
2. After entering the Dashboard Page , click Layout.

3. Click at Page Element tab.
4. Click at Add a Page element.
5. After emerging pop up window , Click add to blog button for the things HTML/JavaScript.
6. Copy and paste the code below into available column :

7. Click save changes

8. Finish. Please see the result.

Oke, now you have a Google Talk at your blog. Or maybe you still confused with the step above? But don't worry if you failed, you can try anymore, i believe that you can do it.

taken source from

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free Blog Shout Box

Now, we are going to give you the instruction how to put SHOUTBOX on BLOGGER. Here are the following instructions:

1. Login to Blogger from your browser at

2. Click "Layout" link on your blogger dashboard

3. Click "Add a Page Element" link

4. Click "ADD TO BLOG" button on HTML/JavaScript

5. Fill the title field such as Shout Box

6. Paste the shoutbox HTML CODE offered on content field

C. Click "SAVE CHANGES" button


Check out your Blog Now.

Taken from

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Free Blog Statistics

Now, we will talk about monitoring of the blog. There are a lot of free blog statistics provided by internet. You can choose which one you like. I'll try to write one of it: It's free blog statistic provider. How to put it to your blog?

#1. Open this url:
#2. Click Register menu on the left side of the page.

#3. You have to fullfill the registration form. Just simply enter your email address, password, your name, and word verification.
#4. Click register button and you'll see message like this: Registration Done. It means you have completed the registration.
#5. But you must verify account by opening your email and click the link sent by

After verifying your blog, go to the and Sign In. Enter your email and password. We're ready to setup counter to put on our blog. Click "Add Blog" link in the right side of the web page or "Add One" on first row of the table.

#1. Step One: Type your blog url and then click "Explore Feed".
#2. Step Two: Approving Info. You should enter the description of the blog completely.
#3. Step Three: Verifying all information. You need to check all informations you have just entered.

The next step is getting javascript code for your blog.
#1. Step One: Installing javascript code into your blog. There are two options: invisible or visible. Click Next to continue.
#2. Step Two: Choose template that has match color to your blog. There are four options and then click Next.
#3. Final Step: You get javascript code generated by Copy and paste it to your blog. There will be a small picture that contains count number.

Open your blog to start counting.

source taken from:

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