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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Download ProxyWay

We are glad to inform you that in association with offers you a Free Version of ProxyWay. You can download it from

ProxyWay is a free proxy server agent (proxy software) which you use together with your web browser to ensure your anonymity when you surf the Internet. ProxyWay shields your current connection when you visit websites, download files, or use web-based e-mail accounts. ProxyWay provides an extended proxy management system that enables you to search for proxies - proxy finder; check proxy servers for speed, anonymity, type - proxy checker; create proxy chains. Allows update proxy list automatically using scheduler. Lets you change proxies (cascades) per time, per connection or randomly. Also it can be used as a simple local proxy server. For more information visit
If you need more features, try ProxyWay Pro.

ProxyWay Revolution 4.0. Released October 21, 2006

New Features

* Now you can use ProxyWay for working with CGI proxies (web proxies)
* Improved "Import/export proxy list" feature. Now using "Export proxies" feature you can create custom proxy list selecting fields and delimiters you need and export it to *.txt or *.html format
* Due to Proxy Finder module improvement increased the number of proxy list sites that can be used for proxy list updating
* Now ProxyWay detects connection(s) for the latest versions of Opera and Netscape automatically
* Added ability to choose if you want to mark a new created service as default or not
* Improved proxy management - ProxyWay remembers current position in proxy list and in "Update proxy list" windows
* To make your work with CGI proxies more convenient, you can use our list of third-party CGI proxy sites
* Now you can export/import list of sites you use for proxy list updating.
* To simplify proxy list updating, you can use our list of third-party proxy sites

Easy way to hide IP address - Download Free Version of ProxyWay Now.

source from

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Installation of Joomla


First you must have the base environment for Joomla.
We have thoroughly tested Joomla! on: Linux, Free BSD, Mac OS X and Windows NT/2000.
Linux or one of the BSD's are recommended, but anything else that can run the
3 pieces of software listed below should do it.

Apache ->
MySQL ->
PHP ->


You MUST ensure that PHP has been compiled with support for MySQL and Zlib
in order to successfully run Joomla.

While we have reports that Joomla! works on IIS server we recommend Apache
for running Joomla! on Windows.


If you want support for SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLs, you'll need mod_rewrite and the ability to
use local .htaccess files.


1. DOWNLOAD Joomla

You can obtain the latest Joomla! release from:

Copy the tar.gz file into a working directory e.g.

$ cp JoomlaVx.x.x-Stable.tar.gz /tmp/Joomla

Change to the working directory e.g.

$ cd /tmp/Joomla

Extract the files e.g.

$ tar -zxvf JoomlaVx.x.x-Stable.tar.gz

This will extract all Joomla! files and directories. Move the contents
of that directory into a directory within your web server's document
root or your public HTML directory e.g.

$ mv /tmp/Joomla/* /var/www/html

Alternatively if you downloaded the file to your computer and unpacked
it locally use a FTP program to upload all files to your server.
Make sure all PHP, HTML, CSS and JS files are sent in ASCII mode and
image files (GIF, JPG, PNG) in BINARY mode.


Joomla! will currently only work with MySQL. In the following examples,
"db_user" is an example MySQL user which has the CREATE and GRANT
privileges. You will need to use the appropriate user name for your

First, you must create a new database for your Joomla! site e.g.

$ mysqladmin -u db_user -p create Joomla

MySQL will prompt for the 'db_user' database password and then create
the initial database files. Next you must login and set the access
database rights e.g.

$ mysql -u db_user -p

Again, you will be asked for the 'db_user' database password. At the
MySQL prompt, enter following command:

TO nobody@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


'Joomla' is the name of your database
'nobody@localhost' is the userid of your webserver MySQL account
'password' is the password required to log in as the MySQL user

If successful, MySQL will reply with

Query OK, 0 rows affected

to activate the new permissions you must enter the command

flush privileges;

and then enter '\q' to exit MySQL.

Alternatively you can use your web control panel or phpMyAdmin to
create a database for Joomla.


Finally point your web browser to where the Joomla! web
based installer will guide you through the rest of the installation.


You can now launch your browser and point it to your Joomla! site e.g. -> Main Site -> Admin

You can log into Admin using the username 'admin' along with the
password that was generated or you chose during the web based install.


Upon a new installation, your JoomlaS website defaults to a very basic
configuration with only a few active components, modules and templates

Use Admin to install and configure additional CMTs, add users, select
default language and much more.

Note that additional community-contributed CMTs and languages are
available via

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NetBus Backdoor

Webmaster's Note: The following is an advisory issued by Internet Security Systems, Inc., a commercial company which makes security software. I took the liberty of deleting 2 URLs for downloading the attacks themselves, to minimize our role in facilitating new attacks. I also replaced the 2 broken links providing fix information for NetBus with an alternative, trustworthy source. For a more detailed, illustrated guide to the Back Orifice backdoor mentioned in this article, please also see our own guide at -Jolo

* * *

ISS Vulnerability Alert
September 10, 1998

Windows Backdoors Update


This advisory is an update of our cDc Back Orifice advisory, which was
released August 6, 1998.

The following information is new to this advisory:
* Information about the NetBus backdoor that works on Windows 95/98 and NT.
* A backdoor in NetBus and how to remove the program.
* Dramatic increase in backdoor compromises since the release of Back Orifice.
* New enhancements to Back Orifice that help hackers, and availability of
additional tools to detect and remove Back Orifice.
* The BoSniffer trojan horse.

A hacker group known as the Cult of the Dead Cow has released a Windows
95/98 backdoor named 'Back Orifice' (BO). Once installed, this backdoor
allows unauthorized users to execute privileged operations on the affected

Back Orifice leaves evidence of its existence and can be detected and
removed. Internet Security Systems (ISS) RealSecure 2.5 will detect and
notifyyou of any Back Orifice activity on your network, regardless of the port
it's using.

There is also a program available on the Internet called NetBus, with
functionality similar to BO, and in some ways more advanced than BO.
NetBus has been available, but its widespread use as a hacking tool has not
occurred until recently. Unlike BO, NetBus will run on Windows 95/98 and NT.

Since the release of Back Orifice, ISS X-Force has noticed an increase of
machines that have been compromised. Over the past few weeks, there have
been many machines announcing that they are compromised in the #bo_owned channel
on the Efnet IRC network. ISS X-Force has received over fifty e-mails asking
for help because machines have been compromised with BO or NetBus.


A backdoor is a program that is designed to hide itself inside a target
host. It allows the installing user access to the system at a later
time without using normal authorization or vulnerability exploitation.


The BO program is a backdoor designed for Windows 95/98. Once installed, it
allows anyone who knows the listening port number and BO password to
remotely control the host. Intruders access the BO server using either a
text or graphics based client. The BO server allows intruders to execute
commands, list files, start silent services, share directories, upload and
download files, manipulate the registry, kill processes, list processes, as
well as other options.

NetBus, available at [url deleted], allows the remote user to do most of
the functions BO can do, as well as open/close the CD-ROM drive, send
interactive dialogs to chat with the compromised system,listen to the
system's microphone (if it has one), and a few other features. The web
page listed above has information about all of NetBus's capabilities.
The page also contains instructions for removing NetBus from your

Determining if BO has been installed on your machine:

The BO server will do several things as it installs itself on a target

* Install a copy of the BO server in the system directory
(c:\windows\system) either as " .exe" or a user specified file name.

* Create a registry key under
with the file name of the server file name and a description field of
either "(Default)" or a user specified description.

* The server will begin listening on UDP port 31337, or a UDP port
specified by the installer. You can configure RealSecure to monitor for
network traffic on the default UDP 31337 port for possible warning signs.

To determine if you are vulnerable:

1. Start the regedit program (c:\windows\regedit.exe).
2. Access the key
Look for any files that may not have been intentionally installed on the
machine. If the length of one of these files is close to 124,928 (give or
take 30 bytes) then it is probably Back Orifice.

You can also use the netstat program that comes with Windows to check if the
system is vulnerable. 'netstat -an' will list all connected and
listening ports, so you can see if there are any open UDP ports that
shouldn't be open, and take corrective action. Here is some sample output
from netstat:

C:\WINDOWS>netstat -an | find "UDP"
UDP *:*

In this example, you can see a UDP service listening on port 31337. This
service is Back Orifice. It doesn't have to be on port 31337, so if you see
anything else that looks suspicious, check your registry.

More information about BO can be obtained from the cDc web page at
[url deleted]. More information about detection and removal
of BO can be found at

Determining if NetBus has been installed on your machine:

NetBus uses TCP for communication, and always uses ports 12345 and 12346
for listening for connections. netstat will tell you if NetBus is installed
if you issue the command 'netstat -an | find "12345"'. Then, start the
windows 'telnet' program and connect to 'localhost' at port 12345. If NetBus
is installed, a string similar to 'NetBus 1.53' or 'NetBus 1.60 x' will
be displayed when you connect.

NetBus's protocol is not encrypted and the commands have a simple format:
the name of the command, followed by a semicolon, followed by the arguments
separated by semicolons. It is possible to set a password on the NetBus
server, and the password is stored in the registry as plaintext at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Patch\Settings\ServerPwd. X-Force has discovered
that there is a backdoor in NetBus that will allow anyone to connect
with no password. When the client sends the password to the server, it sends
a string similar to 'Password;0;my_password'. If the client uses a 1 instead
of a 0, you will be authenticated with any password.

By default, the NetBus server is called 'Patch.exe', but it can be renamed.

Recommended action:

BO can be removed by deleting the server and removing its registry entry.
If possible, you should back up all user data, format your hard drive, and
reinstall all operating systems and software on the infected machine.
However, if someone has installed BO on your machine, then it is most likely
part of a larger security breach. You should act according to your site
security policy.

There are two ways to remove NetBus, depending on what version you

- - For versions 1.5x, the instructions to remove NetBus are located at

- - For version 1.6, the removal
instructions are at
You can [also] remove any installation of NetBus 1.6 by telneting to the
machine at port 12345, typing 'Password;1;', pressing enter, typing
'RemoveServer;1', and pressing enter. You will be disconnected, NetBus
will be disabled and will longer run at startup. You will have to
delete Patch.exe from you Windows directory if you want to completely remove
NetBus. This procedure works even if there is a password set, however it
doesn't work with the 1.5x versions.

- - For version 1.7, the instructions to remove NetBus are located at

Determining the password and configuration of an installed BO:

1. Using a text editor such as notepad, view the server exe file.
2. If the last line of the file is '88$8(8,8084888<8@8d8h8l8p8t8x8\8'8d8h8l8',>

Back Orifice plugins:

There are several plugin applications for BO, called 'BUTTplugs' by cDc,
which are used to enhance the functionality of BO. Currently there are
four plugins available on the cDc page
( These plugins will
e-mail the attacker when someone installs their copy of BO, or access
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to join a channel and notify them that
BO is installed. There is also a plugin used to embed BO into any program
you wish, which makes it easier to fool a user into running it. The
currently available plugins are:

Speakeasy - An IRC plugin that secretly logs into a predefined server
and broadcasts the host's IP address

Silk Rope - Binds Back Orifice to almost any existing program.

Saran Wrap - Hides Back Orifice in an existing standard "InstallShield"
installer program

Butt Trumpet - Sends the attacker an email with the host's IP address,
after BO is installed

Trojaned BO detector program:

There is a program called BoSniffer that is distributed on the Internet
and claims to detect and remove BO from your system. This is actually
Back Orifice, and you should not use this program. Be wary of any fixes
for BO from untrusted sources. This fix has been distributed with the
filenames bosniffer.exe and


Back Orifice provides an easy method for intruders to install a backdoor on
a compromised machine. Back Orifice's authentication and encryption is
weak, therefore an administrator can determine what activities and
information is being sent via BO. Back Orifice can be detected and
removed. This backdoor only works on Windows 95 and Windows 98 for now
and not currently on Windows NT.

NetBus provides an richer feature set than BO, works on Windows NT, but is
easier to detect than BO since it will always use TCP port 12345 and
provides a banner with the NetBus version when you connect via telnet.

- ----------

Copyright (c) 1998 by Internet Security Systems, Inc.

Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent
of X-Force. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in
any other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail
for permission.

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at
the user's own risk.

X-Force PGP Key available at: as
well as on MIT's PGP key server and's key server.

X-Force Vulnerability and Threat Database:

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:
X-Force of Internet Security Systems, Inc.


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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reference for New Hacker

For new hackers and crackers as some references, the URL below are maybe needed :

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Free Download Test Items

Some of MID and BLOK test items can be downloaded here :

1. MID TEST ITEMS OF TIK OF THE ODD Semester CLASS XI OF 2007-2008. download
2. MID TEST ITEMS OF TIK OF THE ODD Semester CLASS XII OF 2007-2008. download
3. BLOK TEST ITEMS OF TIK OF THE ODD Semester CLASS XI OF 2007-2008. download
4. BLOK TEST ITEMS OF TIK OF THE ODD Semester TIK CLASS XII OF 2007-2008. download
5. PRACTICE TEST ITEMS OF TIK OF THE ODD Semester CLASS XI OF 2007-2008. download
5. SPMB TEST ITEMS OF ENGLISH OF 2007-2008. download

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Read More.....

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  5. Click the box at the line of I Accept the Terms of Service.

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  10. Click My Stats to find out of your count of point.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Free Blog WhoIs Online

Do you know how many users who is online on our website? Of course, it is necessary for us to know the count visitors who visits our website now. Even our website contents many products that have to promote to everybody in the world or our website is interactive sites that need to communicate through with visitors in other places. There are many ways and URL that are available to give our free WhoIs Online such as,, etc. In this case I use to get code that placed on my website (like on the right of my website). Usually they are easy ways to get code and without register. For clearly my explanations, so Belows are the step to get code who is online:

1. Open your Browse program
2. Write on the address bar.
3. Writer your URL on the Siteurl
4. Click Get The Code button
5. Then you will get the code such as below :

6. Select all code in the box, and then copy
7. Login to blogger click layout and select page elements
8. Click Add a Page element, choose HTML/JavaScript
9. After that paste the code into the box of HTML/JavaScript page.
10. Finally click button

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free Banner Ads

Sometimes, our website is not suitable without banner ads on it. Now we can put any banner ads on our website. It is free, we can make and design banner, even for beginner user, it will feel easy. Below the instructions for Put Banner Ads for our website :
1. Register at
2. After that Login using username and password given by
3. Click

4. There are currently 91 banner ad styles available.
Please select the one would you like to use by marking its box and pressing MAKE SELECTION
5. Click

6. Fill some field to complete the design banner whatever you want such as title banner appearing
7. Click

8. Oke, your Banner Ads will show you as a result, and you can

Read More.....

Add Google Talk

Do you know about Google Talk? I'm sure that you are surely knew what is the Google Talk. By Google Talk you can send instant messages, make voice calls, leave voice mail messages, transfer files and etc, however of course must with other Google user. Now you can add Google Talk to your blog? Haven't you yet known about its way? Here are the instruction of its, please follow the steps following :
1. Login to blogger with your ID.
2. After entering the Dashboard Page , click Layout.

3. Click at Page Element tab.
4. Click at Add a Page element.
5. After emerging pop up window , Click add to blog button for the things HTML/JavaScript.
6. Copy and paste the code below into available column :

7. Click save changes

8. Finish. Please see the result.

Oke, now you have a Google Talk at your blog. Or maybe you still confused with the step above? But don't worry if you failed, you can try anymore, i believe that you can do it.

taken source from

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free Blog Shout Box

Now, we are going to give you the instruction how to put SHOUTBOX on BLOGGER. Here are the following instructions:

1. Login to Blogger from your browser at

2. Click "Layout" link on your blogger dashboard

3. Click "Add a Page Element" link

4. Click "ADD TO BLOG" button on HTML/JavaScript

5. Fill the title field such as Shout Box

6. Paste the shoutbox HTML CODE offered on content field

C. Click "SAVE CHANGES" button


Check out your Blog Now.

Taken from

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Free Blog Statistics

Now, we will talk about monitoring of the blog. There are a lot of free blog statistics provided by internet. You can choose which one you like. I'll try to write one of it: It's free blog statistic provider. How to put it to your blog?

#1. Open this url:
#2. Click Register menu on the left side of the page.

#3. You have to fullfill the registration form. Just simply enter your email address, password, your name, and word verification.
#4. Click register button and you'll see message like this: Registration Done. It means you have completed the registration.
#5. But you must verify account by opening your email and click the link sent by

After verifying your blog, go to the and Sign In. Enter your email and password. We're ready to setup counter to put on our blog. Click "Add Blog" link in the right side of the web page or "Add One" on first row of the table.

#1. Step One: Type your blog url and then click "Explore Feed".
#2. Step Two: Approving Info. You should enter the description of the blog completely.
#3. Step Three: Verifying all information. You need to check all informations you have just entered.

The next step is getting javascript code for your blog.
#1. Step One: Installing javascript code into your blog. There are two options: invisible or visible. Click Next to continue.
#2. Step Two: Choose template that has match color to your blog. There are four options and then click Next.
#3. Final Step: You get javascript code generated by Copy and paste it to your blog. There will be a small picture that contains count number.

Open your blog to start counting.

source taken from:

Read More.....

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E-book Promosi Sukses
eBook Panduan Membuat website Afiliasi dengan PHP + Master Resell Rights
eBook Panduan membuat website Randoomizer dengan PHP + Master Resell Rights

dan masih banyak lagi ....

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